IPL® Photorejunvenation

What is IPL® Photo rejuvenation?

IPL photo rejuvenation is a unique, non-invasive skin rejuvenation process, employing the innovative technology of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL®). Pulses of computer generated visible light are safely delivered to the skin, producing numerous beneficial effects:

  • Reduction and fading of freckles, solar lentigines ("age" or "liver" spots), and melasma (facial darkening from pregnancy or birth control pills)
  • Blanching and shrinkage of dilated ("broken") small blood vessels
  • Decrease in porous appearance of the skin
  • Stimulation of dermal collagen formation, resulting in smoother skin texture, firmer skin tone, and a decrease in fine wrinkles

The primary goal of the treatment is to improve the appearance and feel of your sun damaged skin.

How does IPL Photo rejuvenation work?

The IPL Photo rejuvenation process uses an FDA approved Candela Ellipse Intense Pulsed Light (IPL®) medical device. This device delivers rapid pulses or flashes of high intensity visible light to selected target tissues in the skin. Energy from the light is transferred to the target tissue and produces the desired effects(s). Intense Pulsed Light was initially approved for human use in 1997 as a hair removal treatment, but the flexibility of Intense Pulsed Light technology allows for many other skin structures besides hair and hair follicles to be targeted by the therapeutic light energy. Varying the energy settings and wavelengths of the light pulses targets the pigmentation, small blood vessels and the collagen of the skin, which absorb and respond to the Intense Pulsed Light energy. Pigmented brown spots lighten and blend in, dilated, or "broken", blood vessels decrease, and collagen and elastic tissue increase causing wrinkles to diminish.

How is IPL Photo rejuvenation performed?

The IPL Photo rejuvenation process requires four to six separate treatment sessions, ideally performed three to four weeks apart. Each treatment requires about 45 minutes, and no anesthesia of any kind is necessary. Immediately after treatment, the skin surface is smooth and totally intact, with mild puffiness and pinkness. The skin feels stimulated and noticeable, but not uncomfortably, tightened. These after effects of treatment resolve within a few hours. Cleansing, and makeup applications are permitted immediately after treatment. The treated site should not be shaved for 24 hours, nor waxed for 72 hours. Strict sun protection, of course, is a necessary element of all photo rejuvenation and healthy skin care programs.

How is IPL Photo rejuvenation different from laser treatments?

Unlike laser devices, IPL technology is not limited to a single wavelength of light. Different treatment wavelengths can be carefully selected to achieve the maximum beneficial effect. Unique to IPL technology is the ability to adjust the treatment to suit the individual needs of each patient and each problem site. Sophisticated computer software allows for optimization of each IPL procedure. Effective photo rejuvenation therapies must target multiple damaged structures in the skin. Single wavelength laser technology simply cannot deliver the variable wavelengths of therapeutic energy necessary to most effectively revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. Unlike laser resurfacing, with its potential for prolonged recovery and recuperation, there is no "down time" after IPL Photo rejuvenation therapy. Clearly, IPL technology goes "beyond the laser".

How can Intense Pulsed Light photo rejuvenation help me?

Ask the doctors at Cary Dermatology Center, or the aesthetic staff at our Cary Aesthetic Center about IPL treatments.

IPL treatments are ideal for fair skinned, sun-damaged individuals. The signs of sun damage, such as dilated or "broken" small blood vessels, freckles, age spots and wrinkles can all be diminished.

Those individuals with "porous" appearing facial skin may also achieve a smoother appearance after IPL treatment.

The persistent redness and thickened central facial areas of rosacea can be successfully treated with IPL technology.

Individuals with darker complexions improve less quickly than fair skinned patients, but reductions in blotchy skin discoloration, wrinkles and dilated capillaries can usually be achieved.

Cary Dermatology Center and Cary Aesthetic Center


101 SW Cary Parkway Suite 210,
Cary, NC 27511

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101 SW Cary Parkway Suite 210,
Cary, NC 27511

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